▪️NIMBLE(ADJECTIVE): adept (कुशल)
Synonyms: agile, deft
Antonyms: clumsy, sluggish
Example: The insect ran with its nimble wings.
▪️BENEVOLENT(ADJECTIVE): benign (उदार)
Synonyms: caring, generous
Antonyms: miserly, stingy
Example: I appreciate your benevolent presence.
▪️CATASTROPHE(NOUN): calamity (आपत्ति)
Synonyms: adversity, casualty
Antonyms: benefit, gain
Example: Floods in Assam is a natural catastrophe.
▪️PENURIOUS(ADJECTIVE): avaricious (कंजूस)
Synonyms: cheap, costive
Antonyms: generous, giving
Example: Niraj is a penurious boy.
▪️METICULOUS(ADJECTIVE): careful (अतिसावधान)
Synonyms: particular, conscientious
Antonyms: careless, inaccurate
Example: He is very meticulous with his assignments.
▪️LUSCIOUS (ADJECTIVE): delicious : (सुस्वाद)
Synonyms: juicy, lush
Antonyms: austere, bland
Example: She cooks luscious food.
▪️SAVORY (ADJECTIVE): pleasing : (दिलकश)
Synonyms: aromatic, fragrant
Antonyms: stinking, sour
Example: His savory attitude will help him to get promotion.
▪️MELLOW (ADJECTIVE): ripe : (परिपक्व)
Synonyms: delicate, soft
Antonyms: harsh, healthy
Example: She was staring at the mellow evening sky.
▪️DWINDLE (VERB): wane : (दुर्बल होना)
Synonyms: abate, decay
Antonyms: develop, enhance
Example: Water the plant otherwise it will dwindle very soon.
▪️SHRINK (VERB): become smaller : (सिकुड़ना)
Synonyms: decrease, diminish
Antonyms: enlarge, extend
Example: I saw a virus through microscope, it was shrinking.