▪️OPPRESS (VERB): subdue (दबाना)
Synonyms: torment, trample
Antonyms: encourage, aid
Example: The tyrant general oppressed his people.
▪️CANNY (ADJECTIVE): clever (चालाक)
Synonyms: dexterous, adroit
Antonyms: foolish, idiotic
Example: Abhinav is a canny person.
▪️SCOURGE (NOUN): curse (अभिशाप)
Synonyms: curse, bane
Antonyms: reward, benefit
Example: He would always look back on this winter and remember the scourge of blizzards and ice storms.
▪️CRYPTIC (ADJECTIVE): secret (अप्रकट)
Synonyms: arcane, esoteric
Antonyms: definite, obvious
Example: When Virat spoke, his words were cryptic to all those in the room.
▪️UPTIGHT (ADJECTIVE): nervous (तनावग्रस्त)
Synonyms: nervy, edgy
Antonyms: unworried, composed
Example: Your uptight behavior can get you rejected in an interview.
▪️DRIP (VERB): drop (टपकना या टपकाना)
Synonyms: dribble, drizzle
Antonyms: collect, pour
Example: Everyone must ensure that water doesn’t drips away uselessly.
▪️ALLIANCE (NOUN): accord (गठबंधन)
Synonyms: affinity, connection
Antonyms: antagonism, detachment
Example: They decided to stay away from the malodorous room.
▪️QUIRK (NOUN): strange act (विचित्रता)
Synonyms: knack, quibble
Antonyms: conformity, normality
Example: It was just another quirk by Mohit.
▪️NIGGARD (ADJECTIVE): ungenerous (कंजूस)
Synonyms: penurious, miserly
Antonyms: generous, kind
Example: Alpa is a niggard landlady.
▪️REPINE (VERB): complain (शिकायत करना)
Synonyms: grumble, lament
Antonyms: compliment, praise
Example: Ruchi repined against Rajeev.